Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Goal - Eliyahu Goldratt

This book brings out some very important aspects of running a plant, or at a more abstract level, running any organization. It interwinds these concepts in a novel like fashion - making it an interesting read.

Goal focuses on alligning the manufacturing and accounting to reach one goal - "For the company to make money". All the energy of the company has to to be focused on making money - in short and long term. If a process does not ultimately result in saving or creating money then it might not be the right thing to do.

The main character Alex Rogo is led (by his mentor Jonah) to analyze everything by questioning in Socrates like way to reach to the underlying causes of processes. He (in turn you) learns that it is important to learn three things about the most fundamental things, inorder to improve processes:
1. What are the most fundamental things?
2. What to do to optimize these fundamentals?
3. How to bring about this change?


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Manish,

I hope all is going well for you in the MBA program. You've got an interesting idea of blogging concepts from books as you read them. I'm sure it helps you to retain the key points from the books, while sharing with everyone what the book is about.

"The Goal" is a classic and is one of my favorites; I read it for ACTG 313 Management Accounting: Strategic Cost Management with Dr. Eames. Is this the class you're taking?

Good luck with your studies.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Kewlguy said...


Thanks for reminding me of the Goal. I remember reading it in 1993 when I was working at a Process Plant in India. It was one of the books recommended by the founder of that company. Your post made me go down the memory lane.


11:57 AM  

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